From Chaos to Calm
self-paced course

Do you feel trapped under an endless pile of to dos? It's tragic to work so hard and yet feel like you have no say in your life. That is why I created this self-paced audio course to help liberate you from your Tyrannical To Do List so you can get busy doing what matters most to you! Say goodbye to stress and hello to confidence in your near future. Pop in your earbuds and listen to your first audio lesson in less than 5 minutes.
I have been listening to YOU!
You want relief, but it never comes! It's exhausting to work so hard and to always have more to do. That is why I created this self-paced audio course: From Chaos to Confidence.
Your well-being is important and it should be easy to know how to step out of the chaos and confidently move throughout your days.
This course is full of actionable tips that will give you relief--immediately!
In segments ranging from 1 to 30 minutes, you can choose the lesson that fits the time you have. So, pop in your earbuds while you do your dishes, fold your laundry, or walk to your next meeting.
Each lesson will help you...
De-stress Your Life.
Multiply Your Time.
Be More Productive.
Right now, you don't have time to stop. I get it.
So take this course on-the-go with you at your own pace so you can move from Chaos to Confidence--starting today!
Get Notified When This Course Re-Launches:

You've got a dream, a vision, and a goal. But life is so distracting! It's tragic to feel the time pass while your ideas are on hold.
That is why I created Think Time Planner.
As a highly distractible person, a Licensed Professional Counselor, and mom of five, I know you need real results real fast.
Think Time is not just a calendar with boxes to organize a busy life. It is a proven process to actually change the way you think so you can get your best results.
Don't waste your time organizing and re-organizing your crazy busy life with planners that promise results but do nothing to help you solve your real problems.
Take time to Think Time and get #real results real fast. Start here.